

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to MLA LMS PDCAMM Implementation Team



Here is a space we can collaborate on documents easily and without crowding our inboxes.

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Goal 1: Recruitment, Membership and Leadership in the Profession


Objective 1: Implement the recommendations to the section in the PDCAMM final report.


Who, Expertise Needed: Members of the PDCAMM Implementation Team lead by Jo Dorsch and Theodora Bakker


Time Needed: The team plans to present the outcomes to the LMS section members at MLA 2007.


Resources Required:Minimal funding needs are anticipated. What is needed to support the team will come from LMS funds.


Product Outcome: The team plans to:

1)Develop a model for a library management professional portfolio

2) Develop a list of health sciences library management competencies.


Evaluation: Acceptance by LMS members should lead to use of the tools to increase the skills of middle managers or those interested in moving into middle management.


(From the MLA Planning Grid for the Leadership and Management section.)

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